The Mayor of Funkytown

Each Power Box has its own personality. Power Box 1 is really into dubstep music. He raves hard all weekend long. On weekdays, he wakes up around noon and hits the gym with his Resistor Strip from Ad Bands. No, he’s not a college student. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in marketing, and works from home on a variety of social media campaigns for upcoming movies. Although he’s not the boss, he makes his own hours because he’s cool like that.

Power Box 2 is also a fan of techno music, but prefers it to be more on the relaxing side (no crazy beat drops, please). She’s a sales shark at work, so when she comes home, she likes to sink into a hot bath with her 3 oz. Essential Oil Infused Bar Soap from SnugZ USA and wash away her hectic day. Occasionally, on weekends, she’ll meet up with Power Box 1 at a nightclub, but she needs to prepare herself a week in advance for that.

Power Box 3, our current Power Box for the fall season, heard the song “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars, and fell madly in love with funk music. He also enjoys classic rock (he’s a huge Bob Dylan fan). He’s an all-around good guy with a great sense of humor. Sure, a lot of the promotional products he has are pink, but who are we to judge? The guy loves pink, so what? He also loves Power Box 2, but she’s too busy for him.

What’s Power Box 3’s job, you ask? He’s the mayor of Funkytown. See for yourself:

Distributors: Contact Mike Cooper at [email protected] to ensure your subscription is added before the next Power Box ships. I dare you to ask Mike what Power Box 3 does for fun.

Suppliers: Space is limited for the upcoming fall Power Box. If you wish to be included, contact Meghan DeFrancesco at [email protected] to ensure space and category availability.

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